Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 13

Today is really my last day with the Klinik. The morning was another great opportunity to bring these techs along on patient follow up. A van showed up, from an orphanage with some great customers. Vern said that Jill, our case manager, knew they were coming...still for me it was a welcome surprise.

Kids are so fun to work with. They only want to play slightly more than I do. It was good for technicians to see these patients with Vern and I, as many kid patients are the result of birth defects, and thus not your standard below the knee(BK) or above the knee (AK) amputation. The problems are different and unique.

Suzanne and I brought a group of them up to the tennis court again. Charite returned to get some more PT. Alix Paul,the tech also joined us. He seemed pretty excited to see some of the dynamic things that Suzanne was trying to get the kids to do.

I would love to post pictures, but we are not supposed to do that. I can send them out to specific people. I am thinking, that if you left comments on the blog, then maybe you could receive pictures. What do you think?

The afternoon was time to catch up on fabrication with the boys, making sure that Verb is all set to go on Monday.

The klinik crew is above starting with the blanc is Vern, Yvener, Jo'el, Tcho, Rony, Chov Blanc, Cira, Rosline, Paul, Myriame.

Jill is not in the group photo. She is an RN from Boston. She has been down here since May and serves as our case manager.

I need to find pics of Claire and Suzanne too. My 2 weeks here would not be complete without them and Luke.

Till tomorrow.
Bon nuit
Chov Blanc


  1. Good morning Chov Blanc. Great to see pictures of your team! Wish we could see some pictures of the children.

    I am sure all will miss you, but another Hanger prosthetist will come and follow through.

    Prayers are with you for a safe trip home. Look forward to seeing you.

    Bon nuit

  2. Glad you'll be home soon but we'll miss the daily news from Haiti. We really look forward to your stories of the day, observations of the culture and most of all learning about all the good work you are doing.

    You have a real talent for writing - very personal, perceptive and inspirational. Clearly you're genuinely dedicated to helping others.

    We're happy and proud to have you as part of our family. Safe journey home.

    Grammy and Pop

  3. Have a safe trip home. It will be good to see you again but we will miss your updates.
